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Origami has extensive expertise in assisting organizations through all stages of Foreign Direct Investment, start-up and Government financial assistance.


The range of services include:

  • Business Development programs

  • FDI Missions

  • Foreign Office Management

  • Investor Targeting

  • Prospect Research and Lead Generation

  • Project Management

  • Relationship Development

Did you know? 50% of companies use an external advisor to set up operations overseas (Source EIU Survey: 'Corporate Overseas Expansion' 2015). And 40% of companies are planning to outsource their site selection activities (Source DCI Survey: 'Winning Strategies' 2014).


To put in place a sound FDI development, you need to rely on a platform of major location advisors and influencers allowing corporations and economic development organizations to find the right people to identify, advise and support inward investment projects worldwide.

Origami Engineering owns a wide database of corporations and businesses all over the world, allow us to identify the business partners to put in place a perfect FDI.

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