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Origami Engineering

CREA Coaching & Formazione Set up an Integrated Plan with Origami Engineering

Crea Coaching & Formazione and Origami Engineering have signed their Agreement on a Partnership that is unique, joining their skills and background to develop Italian businesses in a super-qualified way.

"We are very happy of this opportunity to work close with Crea Coaching & Formazione in a partnerships. Crea's team counts a number of skilled coaches, headed by Dr. Giovanni Magni and his right-hand man Dr. Angelo Storari, who have an impressive background in coaching and training. The purpose of working together is in giving the companies the opportunity to receive our consultancy in their projects together with receiving the skills needed to continue on the path on their own legs. This further make round the Business Development services range that we are offering. The highly qualified coaches of Crea and the unique Crea Method well combine with our Scale-Up Academy and Enterprise Academy programs. One of the most important values we secure us working with Crea is the ethic and highly professional contribution we always expect from our partners." says Raffaella Grassi, Senior Partner at Origami Engineering.

Crea Coaching & Formazione is a coaching Company offering the complete training and coaching services range, with a unique maieutic and empowering approach.

The Metodo Crea® comes from over 25 years of experience in training, leadership, coaching and peak performance. The inventors are Angelo Storari and Giovanni Magni. Crea Coaching & Formazione is composed of a multi-sectoral professional team and offers qualified skills, with the contribution of different experiences and knowledge, as diversity and continuous self-training are strengths that make Crea unique in what they do. Crea mission is to support customers (companies, professionals, athletes, associations, public and private organizations) and provide them with tools that make them independent, giving them the opportunity to create virtuous internal processes that will have a visible and positive external impact. They work to increase the business and personal productivities, focusing on excellence and Viral Leadership in dealing challenges with balance and determination. Crea Coaching Schools are located throughout Italy, and are capable of forming Professional Coaches through Accredited and Recognized Courses. More information can be found at their website

Dr. Giovanni Magni thinks this partnership is a good opportunity for their market in Italy. He says “We consider strategic the partnership that CREA Coaching & Formazione has started with Origami Engineering. In fact, with Origami we have found a partner with whom we share plenty of values, vision, and mission. For us, an "ecological" approach to our customers is indeed indispensable. We feel satisfied when, at the end of our intervention in a company or organization, the customer is autonomous, has improved his performance and perceived us as a tool, that served him to expand, grow, improve their business. When we close the door we want the customer feeling the investment they have made on us has produced value all over their organization. All this fits in with the spirit that, when coming to consulting, drives Origami.”


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