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Origami Double Bill in Brazil

Origami Engineering

Origami Engineering has secured the alliance of Gestão Origami. The agreement purpose is to allow an extension of both the companies in their neighborhood fields. Gestão Origami is rooted in South America and the main market niche is advising big corporation integrating sustainability into management practices and business models. Origami Engineering brings to them a more international flair and the opportunity to work on projects and innovation also with the SMEs.

"I am utterly amazed by this possibility of working together with Gestão Origami. Brazil is for us a growing market, where we want to be present with a reliable ally. I must confess I was intrigued by the name of the Brazilian company, to discover later that they use the Origami word to express exactly the same meaning we give to it." says Raffaella Grassi, Senior Partner at Origami Engineering, who also explains: "In the Japanese art of Origami, when you use several origami to make a more complex structure, you actually produce a kusudama origami. Generally they are symmetric splendid shapes of high complexity. The long story short, this is exactly what we want to develop with Gestão Origami."

Gestão Origami is based in São Paulo and it was founded 10 years ago on ideas and values that are intrinsic to achieving a sustainable society. It works in partnership with national and international organizations, and in a variety of economic sectors, seeking to find simple and practical solutions to the most complex challenges of the market and society.

Gestão Origami is a multidisciplinary group of independent consultants with a high level of market experience. Gestão Origami has accumulated a considerable body of knowledge on the complexity and dynamics of a wide range of economic sectors. It believes that contributing to the development of organizations in addressing their social and environmental challenges will lead to a strong and long-lasting economy.

A focus on supporting customers to realize their full potential for creating shared value, aligning their strategies and business practices to the constant process of transformation of society. Gestão Origami develops innovative and effective approaches to conducting business with purpose and with the creation of shared value.

The partner Mr. Vicente Manzione Filho has initially shared the value that are intrinsic to Origami Engineering, signifying the synergies that the two organizations have in common, manifesting the intention of expanding by working together.

He says “For us, each project is unique, that is, we start a project on a blank sheet and during its execution we create the forms of what our clients need to address business challenges they face in a changing world. It was this synergy of purpose that inspired us to realize this strategic alliance. In addition, Origami Engenieering's expertise in supporting business development, both advising startups and projects in the industrial and renewable energy sectors, as well as being part of its network of partners, will be key to our strategy of growth and internationalization in the coming years.”


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